Monday, 4 February 2013

What is computer science ??????
It is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems. Computer Science (as a field) is concerned with developing new ideas around the use and design of computing systems, and with the mathematical concepts of computation and information. Computer Science is the mother of all computational disciplines. “Computer Science” is the mixture and application of “Applied Mathematics”, “Electrical Engineering“, and “Complexity Theory/Algorithms” to understand and/or model information. In other words, the “field of computation”.
What is IT ??????
The abbreviation of the IT is Information and Technology.
“Information Technology” is the mixture and application of “Programming”, “Hardware Administration”, “Software Administration”, “Networking“, “Network Security” and “Technical Support”. In other words, the “management of computers”.

“Most CS people laugh at MIS/IT people,”
and “MIS/IT people make more money and manage the CS folks.”
It’s quite common that, C.S people laugh at the IT people because the C.S people invent the new software, spend years of research find out the new technology. From 1st generation computer to the third generation computer, form a pager to mobile phone and from simple mobile phone to smart phone, all these are invention of the C.S people, so they laugh at the IT and MIS people. But from the same programme found by the C.S people, IT/MIS people makes lot of money through repairing and finding out the way to use those software’s and the programmes.
In simple word we can say that, C.S invent the new programme and IT people keep maintain it until new programme invented. They are like each other’s reciprocal.

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